Some words from the Publishing Director

Dear Scholars,

The goal of Indian Ocean Review of Science and Technology (IORST) is to present new advances and new researches in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Science and Technology.
The aim of the review is to bring together researchers, engineers, scientists and students from all the world but especially from the Indian Ocean.
Indeed, there are very few journals in the Indian Ocean that are specialized in Technologies and Sciences. One of the goal of the IORST is to fill this gap.

If your research is in the fields of Technologies and Sciences, and you want to share your results with the Scientific Community, submission of your papers is welcomed.
Junior and young researchers are especially encouraged, but papers from more experienced scholars are welcomed as well.

We wish, that you, as a researcher will bring your contribution through IORST to the progress of the Science and Technology in the world.
Publishing is free of charge and papers will be freely downloadable.

Publishing Director
Pr. Julien Amédée Raboanary

Publishing Director

Julien Amédée Raboanary
Institut Supérieur Polytechnique de Madagascar (Madagascar)
Université d'Antananarivo, Département de Mathématiques et d'Informatique (Madagascar)

Editor in Chief

Maurizio Serva
Università dell'Aquila (Italy)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil).

Editorial Board

Name Field Subfield Country Institution
Angelo Vulpiani Physics Dynamical Systems and Chaos Italy University of Rome, "La Sapienza"
Armando Neves Mathematics Mathematical Biology Brazil Federal University of Minas Gerais
Barbara Nelli Mathematics Geometry Italy University of l'Aquila
Dima Volchenkov Complex Systems Networks and Urban Studies Germany Cognitive Interaction Technology Center - Bielefeld
Filippo Petroni Finance Time Series Italy University of Cagliari
Flavia Pennini Physics Statistical Physics Argentina National University of La Plata
Julien Amédée Raboanary Mathematics and Computer science Artificial Intelligence Madagascar Institut Supérieur Polytechnique de Madagascar
Marcelo Lyra Physics Statistical Physics Brazil Federal University of Alagoas
Maurizio Serva Physics Linguistics and Evolutionary Biology Italy University of l'Aquila
Roland Raboanary Physics Nuclear Physics Madagascar University of Antananarivo
Soeren Wichman Linguistics Language Dynamics Germany Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzieg
Umberto Laino Fulco Physics Biophysics, Epidemics and Protein Modeling Brazil Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi Physics Statistical Physics Italy University of Camerino
Vittorio Loreto Complex Systems Linguistics and Networks Italy University of Rome, "La Sapienza"